

Action realized as a part of the
57th edition of the International Theatre Festival KONTRAPUNKT.
To visit the sick
Life of Prymnesium parvum
Performative action
As a part of the festival we continue the actions carried out in a project SzczODRA that discovers inconclusive relations with the river which is seemingly written into Szczecin’s identity, and has been flowing in a separate, yet not its own stream for years, remaining out of the everyday, urban’ consciousness.
According to dictionary definition ‘szczodra’ (generous) is ‘the one that bestows liberally’. The starting point for our pondering are matters of a potential that lies in an abundance, but also borders/differences between gift and exploitation, protection and  condescension, subject and object based within the context of proximity to river and other living organisms.
Together with researchers, ecological organizations and activists, we prepared performative action based in a place where a river and a city can be seen from a different, surprising side. Reversing the perspective (also in a spatial way) is an important aspect of our actions.
In this context, the subtitle ‘to visit the sick’ can pose as an additional, important question for both a potential healing power of this relation, and which side can be the subject of this process? From one point, action supports the idea of creating Lower Oder Valley National Park, and from other it refers to ecological disaster on Oder River from 2022.

Main characters: Prymnesium Parvum, Oder the Person
Concept and production: Weronika Fibich / Rafał Foremski / Paula Rudź
Screening: Adam Ptaszyński
Music:  Duch (Łukasz Jastrubczak)
Experts: Małgorzata Bąk / Łukasz Ławicki / Bogdan Wziątek
Meetings leaders: Aneta Makowska / Julia Chowańska / Grażyna Iłowiecka
Graphics: Małgorzata Gurowska
Zin: Michał Przyborowski
Translations: Joanna Sadowska / Malik Meyer
Technicians: Piotr Motas / Krzysztof Nowik
Cooperation: Adrian Kryk / Michał Zygmunt / Adam Rosiński / Roni Weronika Bielecka
The host of the place: Zenon Karol Schroeder
Szczecin, April 2024, the 57th International Theatre Festival KONTRAPUNKT