Wood and Brass Band Orchestra - the concert

Wood and Brass Band Orchestra - the concert

A 45-person band of musically-talented youth from the Goleniów municipality. They have been active in the cultural life of the region since 2005, participating, among others, in "The Tall Ships Races 2013", "The Tall Ships Regatta 2015", "The Sea Days", "Hanseatic Festivals", etc. – at the same time playing abroad: in Serbia, France, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Spain and many times in Germany. The most important and most distinctive honor for the orchestra was its participation in the finals of the World WAMSB Contest in Brazil in 2014 (gold and silver medal and 6th place in the general classification) and the final in the world contest of the same organization in Copenhagen in 2015 (two silver medals and 14th place in general classification).

Wood and Brass Band Orchestra/Goleniów, the concert

more information: SPOIWA KULTURY