

an event for image and sound
performed by the Bibikings band and t.Kanka group

songs that protect against pain
musical miniatures telling about scraps of life


music: Konrad Cwajda
words: Bibianna Chimiak
directed by: Bibianna Chimiak in collaboration with Piotr Starzyński
visual concept: Bibianna Chimiak & Zuzanna Marczak
animations: Zuzanna Marczak
light direction: Bibianna Chimiak & Piotr Motas
theater production: the group of Kanka, composed of:
Aleksandra Dąbrowska, Katarzyna Kupiec, Zuzanna Marczak,
Nikola Palej, Hania Podskarbi, Wiktoria Rembisz
music realization: Bibikings band consisting of:
Bibianna Chimiak - vocal, Konrad Cwajda - guitar
online premiere: February 2021 - registered at the invitation of the Culture Center "Klub Skolwin"
life premiere: June 2021
duration: 45 minutes