The Przebudzeni Group 
theatre performance 

The performance is a synthesis between what was, what is, and what will be – or, what may happen. This is a clash of the past of the characters with the present, with their current situation, with the so-called existence in nonexistence. The characters are thrown into space, into a "cloakroom", and they ask: what’s next? The performance is a kind of self-examination for both the characters and the spectators, who have to answer the questions about the essential values and interpersonal relationships, about the meaning of life. So "how to live to still exist?". The action is accompanied by a feeling of unreal, a certain kind of weightlessness. All these devices are meant to stop the spectators, to make them reflect on "the art of living and... dying".

For the group, theatre is a specific form of therapy and self-expression, and they treat performances as a kind of manifestos, over which the team works together. The theatre participates mainly in festivals of non-disabled people, destroying myths and stereotypes about people with disabilities. 

